
Writing our legacy a moment at a time.

Anthology Ranch is a storied place. Every square inch of our 15-acre ranch is blossoming with life. It’s a place where we breathe a little deeper and feel more at peace. Established in 2016 by Michael and Caroline Scull, Anthology Ranch is a small family farm providing wholesome, organically-grown produce, eggs, heritage livestock, and farm products to our customers.

At the core of our mission is the sustainability of the land, wildlife, and natural resources—designating ten acres to open space as natural farmland along the banks of Woods Creek. We have a nesting pair of eagles on the property and scores of wildlife, including a few passing black bears. We are fortunate to preserve this place amid much development in the Monroe area.

We started a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) program our first year on the land. Our produce is grown without the use of chemicals and pesticides. We are always looking to the future of sustainability and improving our methods. 

We are proud of our work, and our pride shows in the products we sell. We love the lifestyle and derive great joy from working the land and raising our livestock. We feel fortunate to be able to share our bounty with the community.

Caroline and Michael